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together are testimonies of women who have been victims of violence, whether physical, psychological or sexual.

together is the voice of women united to make their voices heard. These women are your friends, your sisters, your mothers, your neighbours, your colleagues. These women are all around you, without your knowledge. No, it's not just about other people. This blog is meant to be respectful of each of these women, their stories, so some of their testimonies are anonymous.

Moreover, the photos illustrating each testimony do not represent the victims, they are distinct women who have agreed to share their portraits. Testifying is a therapy, a blow or an explosion of what has been killed for years sometimes.

Protecting yourself, helping each other, showing that no, you are not the only one to be a victim of this violence, daily for some (hello to the stranger who calls you a whore because you have a leather skirt), linked to love relationships (the girlfriend who beats you to "prove" her love to you), friendly (the friend who touches you in the evening), family (the uncle who managed to be alone with you at family reunions) and so on.

Social networks don't make things better; amplifying insults, trivializing harassment. This blog is peaceful and caring. So, it is important for me to state that I am not throwing stones at all men, this is not a public court for men. The priority is that the victims of this violence be read, again, with the utmost respect.


Enjoy your reading!

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